Community Members Assist Robbery Victim; Suspect Arrested in Fillmore District Strong-arm Robbery

On the morning of May 11th a report of a strong-arm robbery came in to the San Francisco Police Department. As officers responded to Laguna Street and Cleary Court, they received updates fropm witnesses who were following the suspect.
In the 1800 block of Geary Bouelveard, witnesses directed officers to the suspect – 28-year-old Luis Jorrin.
The vicitm was a 77-year-old female. As she was walking, Jorrin attacked her and took her purse. As the victim struggled with the suspect, Jorrin punched and kicked her.
This is where the helpful witnesses stepped in and assisted police in achieving the arrest. Jorrin was booked for robbery, elder abuse, parole violation.
The SPD adds, “Jorrin has an open case in San Francisco Superior Court for an April 27, 2021 incident in which he was arrested in connection with an auto burglary investigation. In that case, a witness reported seeing Jorrin use a milk crate to break into a parked car on the 800 block of Post Street and rummage around inside the vehicle. The witness called 9-1-1 and chased Jorrin until police arrived and placed him under arrest.
Jorrin is also on California State Parole in San Francisco County for a robbery conviction.”
In addition, they said, “The Department thanks those members of the community who came to the victim’s aid, called 9-1-1 and provided essential information to dispatchers ensuring that an arrest was made.”