Sacramento police officer arrested on suspicion of felony domestic violence

Originally published 5-7-21
by the Sacramento Police Department:
“On May 6, 2021 the Sacramento Police Department was notified of an incident regarding domestic violence that occurred in the Natomas area approximately one week ago.
The victim sustained visible injuries that did not require hospitalization. The suspect was identified as 30-year-old Justin Shepard who is an officer with the Sacramento Police Department. Shepard has been with the department for approximately 3 years. The investigation revealed that the incident took place while he was off duty.
After launching an immediate investigation into the incident Sacramento Police Department detectives arrested Shepard today on charges related to felony domestic violence. Shepard was booked into the Sacramento County Main Jail.
“The Sacramento Police Department does not and never will tolerate criminal behavior from our officers,” said Sacramento Police Chief Daniel Hahn. “We demand that our officers uphold the highest legal and ethical standards that are required to serve our community in the critical position of peace officer. We hold our officers to these standards both on and off duty and will continue to work with the victim in this case.”
For victim privacy reasons, and procedures related to domestic violence crimes, no further information will be released surrounding this incident. Current California law prohibits any person to be a police officer after a domestic violence conviction. Shepard has been placed on administrative leave, and stripped of his peace officer powers, as the administrative and criminal process continues. ”