Traffic Enforcement Stop Leads to Another Felon With Concealed Firearm

Photo: confiscated gun
Originally published as a Fairfield Police Department Facebook post –
“Great police work by night team two – Thursday night, June 10, 2021, while conducting proactive neighborhood patrols in the area of Pennsylvania Ave. and Crowley Lane, one of our officers observed a vehicle speeding.
During the traffic enforcement stop, a vehicle inventory search was conducted prior to tow. Officers located a loaded Polymer 80 handgun with no serial number.
During the investigation, 35-year-old Fairfield resident, Derrell Lawson was identified, arrested and booked into the Solano County jail for: Possession of a loaded firearm, felon in possession of a firearm and a concealed firearm in a vehicle among other charges.
Our Department continues to work hard to reduce harm, crime and the fear of crime throughout the community.”
Traffic Enforcement Stop Leads to Another Felon With Concealed Firearm was last modified: January 5th, 2023 by