Madera Police: Would-be robber gets cold feet, leads officers on pursuit after fleeing bank

Photos: Madera PD
Originally published 6-8-21 via Facebook
by the City of Madera Police Department:
“This morning, officers responded to Bank of America for a robbery alarm. Michael Salinas passed a note to a bank teller demanding money.
It appeared Salinas became worried during the robbery and left the bank before receiving any money. Officers were arriving as Salinas sped away from the bank in a Mercedes. Salinas led officers on a high-speed chase into Fresno. The pursuit ended shortly after Salinas and the officers reached Fresno and he was arrested.
Salinas was just released from jail on Friday after robbing a bank in Fresno last week.”
Madera Police: Would-be robber gets cold feet, leads officers on pursuit after fleeing bank was last modified: January 5th, 2023 by