Petaluma man arrested on third allegation of failing to register as sex offender

Originally published 6-14-21 via Nixle
by the Petaluma Police Department:
“On June 22, 2021, at approximately 0930 hours, Petaluma Police Department officers contacted Oden Engelhardt at Steamer Landing during a walk-through of the encampments along the Petaluma River. Engelhardt was subsequently arrested for failing to comply with the California Sex Offender Registration Act requirements per California Penal Code Section 290. This is Engelhardt’s 3rd arrest for failing to register in Sonoma County since 2019.
It is the duty of the Petaluma Police Department’s Investigations Unit to monitor, manage, and register persons required to register per the California Sex Offender Registration Act within the jurisdiction of the City of Petaluma. Currently, we have approximately 70 registered sex offenders who must register with the police department currently living within our jurisdiction.
It is the responsibility of the detectives within the Petaluma Police Department to monitor sexual offenders actively and conduct compliance checks to verify they are abiding by all the terms and conditions of the California Sex Offender Registration Act. Our highest priority is to continue to enforce the terms and conditions of the Act to ensure the safety of our community to the best of our ability.
Every person who is required by this Act to register as a sexual offender is explained the terms and conditions, and the registrant must obey each time they register. They are required to read and initial all conditions of their registration requirements. The convicted sexual offenders are also given the terms and conditions listed in California Penal Code Section 290 listing every situation they must notify and update their sexual registration or be subject to arrest. Some of those conditions are; they must register within 5 working days prior or after their birthday; they must register within 5 working days upon coming into, or when changing their address within the city; if they are residing at a residence and become transient, they have 5 working days to register within the jurisdiction they are psychically present as a transient; If they are transient, they must register in person no less than once every 30 days; If they move out of the city or state, they must inform the law enforcement agency having jurisdiction over the place where they were physically present as a transient or resident within 5 working day before or after leaving; If they move outside California they are required by federal law to register in the new state within 3 working days; they must submit DNA samples, as well as fingerprints and full palm prints.
These are terms they agree to before they accept plea deals or are convicted of the crimes they were charged. These conditions are not meant to be arbitrary or harassing. They are to safeguard the community and assist law enforcement with monitoring persons convicted of certain crimes.
For additional information on the registered sex offenders in Petaluma, you can visit Please remember that Megan’s Law website is made available solely to protect the public. Anyone who uses this information to commit a crime or harass an offender or their family is subject to criminal prosecution and civil liability.”