Utah man arrested on suspicion of domestic battery in Mendocino County

Originally published 8-18-21
by the Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office:
“On 08-18-2021 at approximately 7:20 P.M., Mendocino County Sheriff’s Deputies were dispatched to a domestic disturbance in the 9700 block of East Highway 20 in Ukiah, California.
It was reported a female was being physically assaulted by a male subject inside of a white SUV parked alongside the highway.
Deputies arrived at the location at approximately 7:42 P.M. and observed a white Jeep SUV parked in a turnout. Deputies pulled in behind the Jeep in order to make contact with its occupants.
The driver of the Jeep immediately pulled onto Highway 20 and began traveling eastbound at a high rate of speed.
Due to the nature of the call, Deputies initiated a vehicle pursuit in order to check on the welfare of the female.
The Jeep continued eastbound on Highway 20 reaching speeds of approximately 110 mph in the area of Blue Lakes (Lake County). The Jeep passed numerous vehicles in the opposing lane of traffic and had no regard for the safety of other drivers and pedestrians in the area.
The Deputies backed away from the Jeep in hopes that the driver would lower it speed.
The Jeep continued traveling at a high rate of speed until just past the intersection of Scotts Valley Road and Highway 20 in Lake County before pulling over on the shoulder of Highway 20.
Deputies made contact with the driver of the vehicle, who was identified as Adam McBride. McBride was detained and placed into a patrol vehicle.
Deputies then contacted the 32 year-old female who was in the front passenger seat.
Deputies immediately noted visible injuries to the female’s face and arms. The female’s left eye was badly swollen and bruised.
Deputies learned the couple had gotten a flat tire on their vehicle and pulled over in order to change the tire. The two then got into an argument and McBride struck the female in the face and arm with a closed fist.
McBride was also found to have an active no bail Felony arrest warrant out of the State of Utah for credit card fraud.
McBride was ultimately placed under arrest for 273.5(a) PC [Felony Domestic Violence Battery], 2800.2(a) CVC [Felony Evading], 2800.4 CVC [Felony Evading wrong way driving], and the Felony Warrant out of Utah.
McBride was subsequently booked into the Mendocino County Jail where he was to be held without bail.”