NPU Arrests Iowa Fugitive Wanted for Fraud Against The Elderly

Originally published as a Redding Police Department Facebook post –
“On September 7th, 2021, the Redding Police Department was contacted by the Jefferson County Attorney’s Office in the State of Iowa, who asked for assistance with locating a wanted felon. Roger Lee Manning had an outstanding warrant for his arrest for first-degree theft and was believed to be in the City of Redding.
Officers with the Neighborhood Police Unit (NPU) located Manning in the 1000 block of State Street. Manning was arrested for the outstanding warrant and will be extradited back to Iowa to face charges in that state.
The Redding Police Department works with PSA2 Area Agency on Aging, ShiningCare, and Shasta County Adult Protective Services to help protect the elders in our community.
A link to the Iowa KTVO news story regarding Manning and the Full Press Release from the Jefferson County Attorney’s Office can be found below:…/jefferson-county-attorney-sounds…”