Two adults arrested, two juveniles released, from donut-doing car

Photo: Nathan Ruvalcaba
At 10:15 pm on November 30, a patrolling Deputy Sheriff saw a Kia Forte doing donuts in the road near Nevada and 6th Avenues.
The deputy contacted the driver and his three passengers. Nathan Ruvalcaba was the driver, Davian Hernandez was his passenger, along with two juveniles.
The two adults gave indication of being under the influence of alcohol. In addition, law enforcement noticed a black Glock-type of handgun under the front seat. The gun had no ID numbers and was untraceable.
Officers also found a magazine with 8 rounds of 9mm ammunition.
A witness reported that they had heard a gushot coming from the car and, sure enouygm a spent shell casing was found near the Kia.
Ruvacalba was arrested and booked for “reckless driving, driving under the influence, carrying a concealed firearm in a vehicle, possessing an undetectable firearm, negligent discharge of a firearm, child endangerment and contributing to the delinquency of a minor.” For this his bail was set at $203,000.
Hernandez was arrested for public intoxication, booked into the Kings COunty Jail and later released. The juveniles were turned over to their parents.