Attempted homicide suspect arrested with K-9 apprehension in Gonzales

Photo: scenes from all of the excitement
Originally published as a Monterey County Sheriff’s Office Facebook post –
“Deputies responded to a rural field near the City of Gonzales for a report of a seriously injured victim dumped by the suspect. The victim was transported to a local hospital for medical care. A Honda was seen leaving the area and deputies attempted to stop it on north-bound Highway 101.
Jesus Tejeda was driving the Honda, which was stolen from the City of Gonzales earlier in the day. He failed to yield to our deputies lights and sirens and began a vehicle pursuit. Multiple deputies arrived in the area and the vehicles tires were spiked on Highway 101 by deputies as he returned to Gonzales. Tejeda continued to flee through the City of Gonzales neighborhoods driving on a rim.
Tejeda eventually stopped in a driveway and fled from the Honda. Fortunately, K-9 Bond was in hot pursuit and apprehended Tejeda as he attempted to jump a fence. As deputies placed Tejeda under arrest a handgun fell from his waist band.
Tejeda was booked into the Monterey County Jail for multiple charges including attempted murder, felony evading, vehicle theft, resisting arrest, possession of a firearm as a convicted felon, possession of a firearm with an altered serial number, and others.
Thank you to Gonzales Police Department for their assistance with this incident.”
Attempted homicide suspect arrested with K-9 apprehension in Gonzales was last modified: January 5th, 2023 by