Crip Gang Member Smiley Martin Arrested In Hospital In Relation To Sacramento Mass Shooting

Photo: Smiley Martin just before the shooting
Dandrae Martin (26) is already in custody as a “related suspect” after the shooting in downtown Sacramento on April 4th that left six people dead.
On Tuesday his 27-year-old brother, Smiley Martin, was also arrested while hospitalized for his gunshot injuries. Prior to the shooting, Smiley released a 15-minute Facebook live video. Some of the comments include – “black gang POW…I need some weed…get with the program or get lost…I can’t go in the club I ain’t got no ID…it’s Crips out here…” At 2:45 into the video he points a gun at the camera and says, “K Street.” At 3:40 into the video he displays the pistol tucked in his pants.
He then goes on to say, “The police out here but they can’t f*** with us….” At 10:50 into the video, a police vehicle drives by and he says , “they can’t f*** with us though, n*****,” maniacally laughing throughout.
“We’re strictly Crippin’, nothing else, on my momma” (an oath he repeatedly uttered). “This s*** ain’t for fake, I really live like that….I’m way too one with the street…I see the police, they can’t tell me nothin…ain’t no n****** getting past here we don’t see ’em n*****….this ain’t my area bro I’m from 29th Street…I’m God…any n***** feels some type of way they know where we at, they been know where we at.”
At the end of the 15-minute video he shows “my little brother, this is our car,” a white SUV.
Smiley was arrested in 2017 on kidnapping, pimping, human trafficking and inflicting corporeal injury charges. In 2016 he was arrested for giving false information and resisting and obstructing an officer. In 2015 he was arrested for receiving stolen property.
Once he is medically cleared to be released from the hospital, Smiley Martin will be booked into the Sacramento County Jail for possession of a firearm by a prohibited person and possession of a machine gun, police reported.
Smiley Martin appears to be yet another example of career criminals being released from custody early and unsurprisingly returning to a life of crime.
After being sentenced to a 10 year prison term in 2018 for domestic violence and assault, Smiley Martin was released early in February of 2022, despite strong objections from The District Attorney’s Office. The following statement was submitted to the Board of Parole Hearings by the prosecutor’s office, arguing against Smiley’s early release. “Inmate Martin has, for his entire adult life, displayed a pattern of criminal behavior. While the current case on review may not be ‘violent’ under the Penal Code, Inmate Martin’s criminal conduct is violent and lengthy. Inmate Martin has committed several felony violations and clearly has little regard for human life and the law, which can be shown by his conduct in his prior felony convictions of robbery, possession of a firearm and prior misdemeanor conviction of providing false information to a peace officer.” In addition, the prosecutor’s office also warned that Smiley “is an assaultive and non-compliant individual and has absolutely no regard for his victims who are left in the wake of numerous serious offenses. He has no respect for others, for law enforcement or for the law. If he is released early, he will continue to break the law.”
Although politicians are promoting legislation against gun companies and tougher action against gun violence, one has to wonder if attention more importantly needs to be placed on the culture that glorifies violence, glamorizes gang life, minimalizes respect for human life, blames others for problems and refuses to accept personal responsibility for one’s actions.
Perhaps the issue could be more successfully addressed with the impressionable child, through a loving intact family, an active community and a vibrant church.
Blame won’t solve rising violence caused by fist, knife, or gun. Laws are effective for those who intend to obey the law, but what about the those who have no intention of obeying the law?