Arrest for Alleged Attempted Kidnapping and Assault on an Officer

Photo: William Francis
Originally published as a City of San Luis Obispo press release:
“On Tuesday morning 5/31/22 at approximately 9:30 am, transient William Francis was observed being aggressive towards a woman downtown and attempted to grab her in a crosswalk. A concerned citizen intervened, giving the woman the opportunity to get away by jumping into the car of a passing motorist who was concerned for her safety.
The concerned citizen then followed Francis until he became physically aggressive towards people in Mission Plaza. At that time, the citizen intervened and fought with Francis to prevent another assault. SLOPD officers arrived and took Francis into custody. While taking him into custody, Francis assaulted officers but did not injure them.
Frances was arrested for PC 664/207 – Attempted Kidnapping, PC 69 – Assault on an Officer, and PC 647(f) – Public Intoxication and booked into SLO County Jail. A bail enhancement was requested and granted; bail was set at $500,000.
This investigation is on-going. Please contact Officer Perlette if you were witness to this crime or other incidents involving Francis, 805-594-8029 and reference case # 220531032.”