Two adults, two juveniles arrested on weapons charges in Santa Rosa

Above: Weapons seized during investigation | Santa Rosa PD
Originally published 9-1-22 via Facebook
by Santa Rosa Police:
“On Thursday, September 1st, 2022, at approximately 12:25am., Santa Rosa Police officers were dispatched to the 100 block of Decker St. for a report of three individuals associated with a blue Dodge truck, possibly “tagging” the barn at De Turk Round Barn Park. The subjects were reported to be wearing bandanas on their faces and black gloves. Upon arrival, officers located the truck leaving the area with no headlights on. Officers conducted an enforcement stop on the vehicle as it drove out of the area.
During the initial contact, officers contacted four occupants in the truck, two of which were under the age of 18 years. The driver of the vehicle was identified as 19-year-old Santa Rosa resident Sergio Guerrero, and front passenger as 20-year-old Santa Rosa resident Roman Vega. The rear passengers were 14 and 16-year-old Santa Rosa residents. Records check showed Vega to be on active probation out of Sonoma County for vandalism, with a search and seizure clause as a term of his probation. All occupants were removed from the truck and a subsequent search revealed two separate loaded firearms under a seat. One of the firearms was a polymer 80, 9mm “ghost gun, which was loaded with a 30-round magazine. The other loaded firearm was a Bersa .380 handgun, which had its serial number partially filed off. All four occupants were arrested as a result of the investigation.
The names of the juvenile arrestees will not be released due to their ages. The two adult males were booked in Sonoma County Jail, and two juveniles booked into juvenile hall for the following offenses:
Roman Vega:
25850(c)(6) PC – Felony possession of a non-serialized firearm
25850(a) PC – Felony possession of a loaded firearm
23900 PC – Tamper with identification marks on a firearm
272 PC – Contribute to the delinquency of a minor
1203.2 PC – Violation of probation
Sergio Guerrero:
25850(c)(6) PC – Felony possession of a non-serialized firearm
25850(a) PC – Felony possession of a loaded firearm
23900 PC – Tamper with identification marks on a firearm
272 PC – Contribute to the delinquency of a minor
Both juvenile passengers:
25850(c)(6) PC – Felony possession of a non-serialized firearm
25850(a) PC – Felony possession of a loaded firearm
23900 PC – Tamper with identification marks on a firearm
Media inquiries can be made to Sergeant Matt Crosbie at mcrosbie[at], or by speaking with an on-duty sergeant at 707-543-3625. SRPD case #22-10171.”