Glenn County Detectives Seek Public’s Help in Fatal Shooting Investigation

The Glenn County Sheriff’s Office is seeking tips from the public as part of its investigation into the recent fatal shooting of 46-year-old Ramiro Licea Martinez of Willows.
According to a Sheriff’s Office press release, on the afternoon of Friday, October 28, deputies found Martinez severely wounded at the intersection of County Road 60 and County Road 99W, south of Willows. Callers had reported seeing a man sitting in a vehicle who appeared to have been shot.
Martinez’s injuries were quickly determined to be life-threatening and he was immediately airlifted to a local hospital. Despite life-saving efforts by medical personnel, Martinez ultimately passed away, the Sheriff’s Office said.
Glenn Investigation and Narcotics Task Force (GLINTF) detectives assumed the investigation. The Task Force, consisting of law enforcement officials from multiple agencies, was established for the purposes of curbing the trafficking of illicit drugs and assisting in major crimes investigations throughout the county.
GLINTF detectives are encouraging anyone with information relevant to the case to reach out at (530) 934-6431, or visit the Sheriff’s Office in person.