Sonoma County Woman Arrested on Suspicion of DUI after Collision

Originally published 7-22-23 via Nixle
by the Petaluma Police Department:
“On Saturday, July 22, 2023, at approximately 7:47p.m., officers from the Petaluma Police Department were dispatched to the intersection of E Washington St and N McDowell Blvd on report of a collision involving two vehicles.
Upon arrival, officers contacted both involved parties and determined no one was injured during the collision. While speaking with the parties, officers noted one of the drivers, Catalina Cadena (57, Petaluma), had objective signs of alcohol intoxication and conducted a DUI investigation. At the conclusion of the investigation, the officer determined Cadena was operating the vehicle while under the influence of alcohol and placed her under arrest. Cadena was later released to a sober party after being issued a citation to appear in court on the violation.
There were 4 additional DUI arrests on Saturday evening and into the morning hours of Sunday.
The Petaluma Police Department has been committed to increasing traffic safety, especially reducing the number of alcohol-related collisions. Petaluma Police advise motorist to plan ahead if you’re going to go out and drink alcohol, designate a sober driver or share a ride. Drivers caught driving impaired and charged with a first-time DUI face an average of $13,500 in fines and penalties, as well as a suspended license.”