Rialto Man Arrested for Persistent Spam Calls to Sheriff’s Department Emergency Lines

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SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CA – In a concerning incident, a Rialto man has been arrested for allegedly making over 7,000 annoying and harassing spam calls to the emergency response division of the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department. The suspect, identified as 48-year-old Luke Edward Dumas, caused a significant disruption to the emergency phone system, hindering the swift response to legitimate emergency calls.
The distressing spam calls occurred between April 2023 and July 21, 2023, and utilized an “unknown” number to mask the caller’s identity. The non-emergency calls were characterized by their continuous and repetitive nature, preventing dispatchers and staff from effectively attending to other pressing emergency calls.
Law enforcement swiftly launched an investigation to identify the perpetrator behind the disruptive calls. Through diligent efforts, investigators successfully traced the calls back to Luke Edward Dumas, leading to his arrest on Saturday, July 22, 2023. Dumas was taken into custody and booked at the West Valley Detention Center on multiple charges, including PC 653(x) for annoying and harassing calls to emergency lines, PC 372 for creating a public nuisance, PC 148.2 for interfering with emergency services, PC 148(a)(1) for resisting and delaying an officer, and CVC 23103 for reckless driving.
The abuse of the emergency phone systems is taken extremely seriously, as it poses a threat to public safety by diverting valuable resources and obstructing law enforcement from efficiently responding to real emergencies. The actions of the spam caller compromised the effectiveness of the emergency lines, potentially leading to prolonged wait times and an increased risk of danger for those in need of immediate assistance.
Investigators suspect that Dumas may also be connected to additional harassing and annoying calls made to emergency services across the Inland Empire region. The authorities are urging anyone with relevant information related to this case to come forward and assist in the ongoing investigation. Detective A. Hylin, based at the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department Headquarters, is leading the investigation and can be contacted at (909) 387-3727.
For individuals who wish to provide information anonymously, the We-Tip Hotline is available at 1-800-78CRIME (27463), or tips can be submitted securely on the We-Tip website at www.wetip.com.
The San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department emphasizes the importance of using emergency phone systems solely for genuine emergency situations. The misuse of these critical lines not only disrupts law enforcement operations but also puts the public at risk. With collective efforts and community cooperation, such incidents can be prevented, ensuring the prompt and effective response of emergency services for those in need.