Mendocino County Man Arrested on Suspicion of Murder After Allegedly Shooting Neighbor

A Mendocino County man has reportedly been arrested on suspicion of murder after allegedly shooting someone he claimed to have caught trespassing on his property.
According to a press release by the county Sheriff’s Office, dispatch received a call on the night of August 9 from a man who identified himself as Clinton Maxwell (46). Maxwell reportedly told the dispatcher that he had shot his neighbor, whom he claimed to have found trespassing on his property.
Deputies responded to the scene, located on the 2900 block of Richards Road in Redwood Valley, and directed emergency medical services to stage in the area while the deputies ensured the scene was safe to enter. Deputies detained Maxwell at the scene without incident, the Sheriff’s Office said.
Deputies also searched the area and discovered 46-year-old Timothy J. Abshire of Redwood Valley on a dirt road in a remote area of the property. EMS personnel attempted life-saving measures, including CPR, on Abshire, but died at the scene from multiple gunshot wounds.
Maxwell was ultimately arrested and booked at the Mendocino County Corrections Facility on suspicion of murder. He remains in custody on $500,000 bail.
The circumstances around the incident, particularly what led to it, remain under investigation. Anyone who may have knowledge relevant to the case is encouraged to reach out to the Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office.