Two Teenagers Arrested in Connection with Yuba/Sutter Marketplace Mall Explosion

Originally published 8-21-23 via Facebook
by the Yuba City Police Department:
“On Saturday August 19, 2023 at 6:55 P.M. the Yuba City Police Department received several 911 calls at the Yuba/Sutter Marketplace Mall, 1215 Colusa Avenue, regarding an “explosion” with a possible juvenile male on fire. When Yuba City Police Officers arrived on scene, they discovered the explosion was caused by two juvenile males lighting a single illegal firework inside the mall.
While lighting the firework, one juvenile caught his shirt on fire. The juvenile suspects fled the mall on foot prior to officers arriving. No patrons inside the mall were injured. The Yuba City Fire Department also responded and used large vent fans to clear the smoke from inside the mall.
Through the course of the investigation, Yuba City Police Officers were able to identify one of the suspects as a 15-year-old male, and he was located and arrested at the Yuba/Sutter Marketplace by officers on August 20th.
Yuba City Police Officers received an anonymous tip on the identity of the second suspect. The second suspect, a 15-year-old male, was arrested at the Yuba City Police Department on August 21st in the morning hours when he arrived to turn himself in.
Both juveniles have been booked into the Tri County Juvenile Detention Facility on the charge of recklessly or maliciously having an explosive device in possession in a public place/building. The case will now be turned over to the Sutter County Probation Department.”