Siskiyou County Man Arrested on Suspicion of Attempted Murder

Originally published by the Siskiyou County Sheriff’s Office:
Just after midnight on Sunday, November 5th, the Siskiyou County Sheriff’s Office (SCSO) received a call that a potential stabbing victim was en route to Fairchild Medical Center (FMC).
SCSO personnel were alerted to a stabbing incident in the Grenada area early on Sunday morning, and promptly mobilized to meet the victim at the Fairchild Medical Center Emergency Room. Upon arrival they witnessed the male victim, aged 26, of Fort Jones, being assisted onto a gurney, with blood covering his face and upper body, as well as lacerations consistent with stabbing wounds. The man’s girlfriend and two friends were present, and readily recounted the night’s events with SCSO Deputies.
The victim’s girlfriend explained that she and her boyfriend attended a 21st birthday party for a mutual friend, Hunter Daniel Harris. After the party, she, her boyfriend, and two friends drove Harris home, and during this drive, Harris began talking about harming himself and others with a gun or a knife. Deeply concerned by this, the victim escorted Harris into his residence to make sure he wouldn’t act on any of those comments. However, after a few minutes, all three witnesses attested that the victim ran outside screaming that he had been stabbed by Harris. They then called 911 and rushed the victim to FMC.
As SCSO Deputies completed their interviews with the witnesses, dispatch received an additional report of shots fired in the same area where the stabbing occurred. In response, SCSO acquired backup from the Yreka Police Department (YPD) and California Highway Patrol (CHP), and surrounded the Harris residence. Using a Public Address system, one of the SCSO Deputies summoned Harris, unarmed, out of his house, where he was promptly arrested for attempted murder and booked into the Siskiyou County Jail.
Following the arrest of Harris, SCSO Detectives arrived at the property with a search warrant to collect evidence. In doing so, they discovered a large spray of blood and spent shell casings at the entry way of the home, along with multiple firearms, ammunition, and a bloody knife scattered about the residence. The male stabbing victim survived his injuries, and thanks to the quick actions of FMC, SCSO, YPD, and CHP personnel, no other individuals were harmed during the incident.