Recent DUI Incidents Highlight Dangers on the Road

Interior of Vehicle | Courtesy of WPD
“We’ve said it once. We’ve said it twice, and we’ve said it multiple times – driving under the influence puts yourself and others in danger.
Just last night, Officers arrested a 23-year-old driver after he crashed into a car, attempted to drive away from the scene, and then lost control and veered into a ravine near S. Green Valley Road and Main Street. The suspect, Rigoberto Santiago, was booked into the Santa Cruz County Jail on DUI and hit-and-run charges. The Watsonville resident also had an outstanding misdemeanor warrant.
A few days ago, Officers responded to a report of a man under the influence who drove to a gas station on Green Valley Road. Not only did Officers find an open alcohol container inside the suspect’s car, but they also found a gun. Eduardo Castillo, 21, of Watsonville, was arrested for driving under the influence and for carrying a concealed firearm inside the vehicle.
We have seen an increase in DUIs this month, with Officers arresting a total of 13 drunk drivers. Think twice before getting behind the wheel under the influence.”