Man Arrested for Burglaries, Drugs and Possession of a Grenade Launcher

Photo: Image of Marcus R. Palacios arrest | Oakley PD
BRENTWOOD —Marcus R. Palacios, 49, of Oakland, was arrested for possession of a grenade launcher and illicit drugs. Palacios has been arrested 36 times during the last 10 years. He has prior convictions for controlled substances and receiving stolen property.
Palacios is in custody at the West County Detention Facility in Richmond, held in lieu of $422,000 bond. He was arrested again earlier this month by Brentwood police, with help from the Oakley police department.
An Oakley officer found a grenade launcher in Palacios’ vehicle during a joint probationary search with Brentwood police. Officers also recovered more than four ounces of suspected methamphetamine and fentanyl packaged for sale.
Police contacted Palacios during a traffic stop in connection with an investigation of commercial burglaries along the Lone Tree Way business corridor. Brentwood police said in a prepared statement. “Additional evidence related to a series of burglaries was found in the vehicle. More arrests related to this series are expected.”
On February 18, charges were filed against Palacios for –
- Possession and transportation of controlled substances for sale
- Possession of a destructive device
- Second degree burglary
- Identity theft
- Vandalism
Last year, Palacios was arrested three times for attempted burglary, possession of a controlled substance and DUI/alcohol. He was arrested for possession of controlled substances in 2022 and 2021. His other previous arrests also mostly involved controlled substances.