Plumas County Dispatcher Facing Embezzlement Charges

Plumas County Dispatcher Facing Embezzlement Charges
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“On April 12, 2024, Plumas County District Attorney David Hollister filed a three-count criminal complaint against Cassandra Beth Lavley, age 39 of Quincy, California. The criminal complaint accuses Lavley of committing three felonies – two counts of embezzlement and one count of fraudulent alteration of books.

The crimes are alleged to have occurred during 2022 and 2023 and involve Lavley, a Plumas County Sheriff’s Dispatcher, embezzling funds within her capacity as the Secretary/Treasurer of the Plumas County Sheriff’s Employee’s Association.

The investigation, headed by Assistant District Attorney Graham Archer and District Attorney Investigator Shawn Adams, alleges Lavley embezzled over $20,000 from the Association’s “General Account” and the “Needy Kids Account” (the fundraising proceeds used by the Association to provide gifts for children in need at Christmas time) for purchases such as concerts, designer clothing, furniture, televisions, a mattress, alcohol, and food.

Lavley was taken into custody during the morning of 12 April 2024 after a warrant was issued by the Honorable Janet Hilde, Judge of the Plumas County Superior Court. The Judge ordered bail set at $50,000.00 and further directed the source of any proffered bail be examined by the court to make sure it originated from a lawful source.
Plumas County District Attorney David Hollister expressed his appreciation to the members of the Sheriff’s Association who reported this crime as well as ADA Archer and DAI Adams for their efforts during the investigation.

Hollister added, “the defendant has been both a co-worker and friend to many in the Sheriff’s Office. Despite this connection, once it was discovered the defendant was embezzling from Association accounts, especially the ‘Needy Kids Account,’ Sheriff employees promptly reported the crime and have been cooperative, forthcoming and diligent during the investigation. While this theft is more than unfortunate, the response by members of the Sheriff’s Office makes clear the value they place on their oath, the rule of law and their responsibility to the community they serve is paramount. Recent events within Plumas County’s government have demonstrated while such a necessary response is expected, it, unfortunately, is not always the case.”
Lavley is presumed innocent and is expected to remain in custody in a non-Plumas County correctional facility pending her arraignment on 15 April 2024. Copies of the complaint and statement of probable cause are attached to this release.

The complaint filed by the District Attorney’s Office can be found here:”


Originally Published By Plumas County Sheriff’s Office & Plumas County District Attorney’s Office
Plumas County Dispatcher Facing Embezzlement Charges was last modified: April 24th, 2024 by admin
Categories: Plumas