Hollister Police Take Man into Custody after Alleged Suicide-by-Cop Attempt

“HOLLISTER, CALIFORNIA – May 10, 2024 – Hollister Police responded to a 9-1-1 call of a suicidal subject allegedly harming himself and making threats to harm police. Officers responded and were able to detain the male subject without incident.
On Tuesday May 7th, SCR911 received a call from an adult male advising he was in the 800 block of Line Street. The man told the dispatcher he was currently harming himself and made threats to harm police when they arrived. The man said he had a firearm and would use it against arriving police officers.
Officers on both the swing shift and graveyard shift realized the gravity of the situation and the potential dangers of a man possibly armed and displaying suicidal behavior. Responding officers decided to stage a few blocks from the location and attempt to gather more information before making contact. During this time, SCR911 stayed on the line with the adult male trying to de-escalate the situation and gain more information for police officers. Officers identified the man and discovered possible prior gang contacts and gun related charges.
The primary officer was able to speak with the individual via cell phone and attempted to de-escalate the situation. The man continued to make threats to harm police when they arrived. Due to the threats to harm police, and the adult male subject’s suicidal behavior, officers decided to have less than lethal options prepared for deployment such as bean bag rounds and a pepper ball system. SCR911 communicated with Hollister Fire and AMR and requested them to stage near the 800 block of Line Street.
Officers arrived from two separate directions. They observed an adult male walking quickly and aggressively towards them. The primary officer gave commands to the adult male subject and initially, he was not compliant. After a brief standoff trying to de-escalate the situation, the man complied, and officers determined he was not armed. He was detained by officers without incident.
It appears the man was attempting to instigate an incident where law enforcement would shoot him. He was transported to a nearby hospital and placed on a mental health evaluation. Criminal charges will be referred to the San Benito County District Attorney’s Office.
The Hollister Police Department would like to commend the A side swings, and graveyard officers for their swift action, planning, de-escalation, teamwork, and the safe conclusion to this call for service without incident. The Hollister Police Department would also like to commend SCR911 dispatchers for their handling of the incident and assisting the Hollister Police Department by providing as much information as available to them during the 9-1-1 call.
The Hollister Police Department prides itself on its constant training and preparedness for situations such as these to ensure our officers have the tools, training, and ability to safely bring incidents like this to a safe conclusion.
The Suicide Prevention Resource Center (www.sprc.org) explains that many individuals are affected by mental health problems. Mental health issues aren’t signs of weakness or character flaws. There are many ways to get help and support, including telephone and online sources of assistance, mental health services, peer support, and other options. There are health care professionals who are specially trained to assess suicide risk and provide effective treatment for suicidal thoughts and behaviors. There is hope. Individuals with mental health problems can get better, and many recover completely.”