Burglars Apprehended in Act, Attempting to Flee with Stolen Goods

Burglars Apprehended in Act, Attempting to Flee with Stolen Goods

“A pair of burglars were caught in the act, trying to leave with hundreds of dollars of stolen goods from a second-hand store.

WPD Officers and K-9 Cruze responded to a report of a burglary in progress on the 500 block of Main Street. Both suspects, 26-year-old Robert Lee Buckman and 32-year-old Jose Alfredo Vallejo were caught by our Officers as they tried to leave through the back door that they had forced open.

Officers’ quick response allowed them to set up a perimeter and arrest the suspects within minutes of getting dispatched. The suspects caused more than $1,000 in damages to the business. Buckman also later confessed to Officers that he had stolen from the same store earlier that day.

Buckman and Vallejo were taken to the Santa Cruz County Jail, facing burglary and conspiracy charges.

Un par de ladrones fueron sorprendidos en el acto, tratando de irse con cientos de dólares en artículos robados de una tienda de segunda mano.

Los oficiales de WPD y K-9 Cruze respondieron a un informe de un robo en marcha en la cuadra 500 de Main Street. Ambos sospechosos, Robert Lee Buckman, de 26 años, y José Alfredo Vallejo, de 32, fueron atrapados por nuestros Oficiales cuando intentaban salir por la puerta trasera que habían forzado.

La rápida acción de los Oficiales les permitió establecer un perímetro y arrestar a los sospechosos a los pocos minutos de responder a la llamada. Los sospechosos causaron más de $1,000 en daños al negocio. Buckman también le confesó a los Oficiales que había robado en la misma tienda ese mismo día.

Buckman y Vallejo fueron llevados a la Cárcel del Condado de Santa Cruz, enfrentando cargos de robo y conspiración.”

Originally Published By Watsonville Police Department
Burglars Apprehended in Act, Attempting to Flee with Stolen Goods was last modified: May 22nd, 2024 by admin
Categories: Santa Cruz