Hollister Resident Arrested for Alleged Felony Animal Cruelty

Hollister Resident Arrested for Alleged Felony Animal Cruelty

Conditions discovered inside home (Photo credit: Hollister PD)

“HOLLISTER, CALIFORNIA – May 29, 2024- Hollister Police Animal Care and Services received a report of a local resident that reportedly ran over a pet rooster intentionally.  An additional report was received of the same resident reportedly kicking chickens, causing injury to one. Animal Control Officers conducted an investigation into the allegations.

On May 23, 2024, Hollister Police Animal Care and Services along with the San Benito County Sheriff’s Office served an arrest warrant at a residence located in the 2000 block of San Juan Canyon Road.  Dina Iden (61 years old) was arrested for felony animal cruelty and transported to the San Benito County Jail.

While serving the arrest warrant, Animal Control Officers noted a strong odor of feces emanating from the residence, prompting them to obtain a search warrant for the property.  After obtaining the search warrant, Animal Control Officers discovered two cats living in unsanitary conditions and without proper provisions.  Both cats were seized from the home and are currently in the care of the Hollister Animal Shelter and have received medical treatment.

Hollister Police Animal Care and Services would like to remind the public that it is unlawful for any person having charge or custody of any animal, either as owner or otherwise, to subject any animal to needless suffering, inflict unnecessary cruelty upon an animal, or in any manner abuse an animal, or deprives an animal of necessary sustenance, drink, or shelter as it violates California PC 597.  A violation of this subdivision is punishable as a felony by imprisonment, or by a fine of not more than twenty thousand dollars, or by both that fine and imprisonment.

Anyone with information regarding this investigation is requested to contact Animal Control Officer Harvey at 831-636-4320.”

Originally published by the Hollister Police Department
Hollister Resident Arrested for Alleged Felony Animal Cruelty was last modified: June 6th, 2024 by admin
Categories: San Benito