Narcotics and Firearms Arrest

Narcotics and Firearms Arrest
Photo: Stock Image

At approximately 9:30 PM on the evening of July 18, 2024, an alert citizen reported a suspicious vehicle blocking a driveway in a Camarillo residential area. Responding Ventura County Sheriff’s Department Camarillo Station patrol units quickly determined that the vehicle was registered to 42-year-old Oxnard resident Louie Ayala. Deputies maintained quiet surveillance of the vehicle and soon after, Ayala returned to the area. 

According to VCSD spokesman Sgt. Thomas Miller, “upon contact, Ayala resisted arrest by pushing the deputy and attempting to flee on foot.” It was a brief attempt to become a track star, and Ayala was captured “after a short pursuit.” 

Ayala was found to be in possession of 220 Oxycodone pills, and the ensuing probation search of his vehicle revealed additional contraband, including methamphetamine, psilocybin, and narcotics paraphernalia. Deputies also discovered a short-barreled AR- 15 style rifle loaded with one magazine, along with an additional loaded magazine. The rifle was unregistered, and some of the ammunition found were armor-piercing rounds. 

As a convicted felon, Ayala is prohibited from possessing firearms and ammunition and was promptly transported to Ventura County Jail, where he was booked on several charges, including possession of an unregistered firearm, possession of a firearm by a felon, possession of ammunition by a felon, possession of armor-piercing ammunition, resisting arrest, and multiple narcotics violations. He remains in custody on a no-bail hold. 

Narcotics and Firearms Arrest was last modified: August 2nd, 2024 by admin
Categories: Ventura

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