Two Reportedly Arrested After Narcotics & Ammunition Discovered During Traffic Stop

Two Reportedly Arrested After Narcotics & Ammunition Discovered During Traffic Stop

MOKELUMNE HILL — Two individuals were arrested after Calaveras County authorities reportedly discovered narcotics during a traffic stop.

According to the Sheriff’s Office, a deputy a conducted a traffic stop on Highway 49 in Mokelumne Hill on the afternoon of July 24. The Sheriff’s Office identified the driver as 39-year-old Ricky Cavaco II of San Andreas and the passenger as 33-year-old Airelle Rudolph.

Deputies reportedly discovered that Cavaco was on searchable probation and Rudolph was recently released pending criminal charges from an out-of-county court with search conditions.

During a compliance check, deputies allegedly discovered methamphetamine, metal knuckles, firearm parts, and ammunition. Both subjects are prohibited from possessing firearms and ammunition, according to the Sheriff’s Office.

Cavaco was arrested and booked into the Calaveras County jail on suspicion of possession of a controlled substance, possession of drug paraphernalia, possession of ammunition as a prohibited person, illegal possession of metal knuckles, and violation of probation.

Rudolph was arrested and booked on suspicion of possession of drug paraphernalia, possession of metal knuckles, and violating court terms of her release.

Two Reportedly Arrested After Narcotics & Ammunition Discovered During Traffic Stop was last modified: August 5th, 2024 by admin
Categories: Calaveras

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