Motorist Arrested For Alleged Drug Possession & Outstanding Warrants in Del Norte County

Above: Items confiscated during traffic stop
Photo credit: Del Norte County Sheriff’s Office
“On July 23, 2024 at approximately 1:14 AM, Deputy Brittain initiated a traffic stop. K9 Zuko was deployed for a free air sniff around the vehicle and alerted to the presence of narcotics inside the vehicle.
Both driver and passenger were arrested. The driver Leonard Vanwormer was arrested for possession of narcotics and various other drug related charges. The passenger Jeremiah Rodriguez was arrested for several outstanding warrants.
295 Xanax pills and approximately half an ounce of methamphetamine were confiscated during the stop.
The case has been submitted to the District Attorney’s Office.
Message From Sheriff Scott: The Sheriff’s Office will continue to build a crew of dedicated Deputies to enforce the drug problem we face in Del Norte County. K9 programs are an extremely helpful tool in combating drug related crimes and trafficking. Zuko and Deputy Brittain make a great team and hold K9 certifications from the California Peace Officer Standards and Training. We are working on adding another K9 and Deputy to our staff in the near future.”