Probation Compliance Check Leads to Arrest for Child Endangerment and Narcotics
Photo(s) courtesy of SLO PD
“On Friday, October 25, 2024, in collaboration with SLO County Probation, officers conducted a probation compliance check on the 900 block of Olive Street. During the check, Crystal Kulinski was contacted and found to be in possession of a substantial quantity of narcotics. Kulinski was taken into custody for violation of her probation and child welfare services was called to take custody of her 6-month-old child.
Subsequent testing showed the child to have been exposed to both methamphetamine and fentanyl. Kulinski is being charged the following and she is in custody at this time:
PC 273a(a) – felony child endangerment
H&S 11351 – possession of narcotic controlled substance for sales
H&S 11377(a) – possession of methamphetamine
H&S 11375(b)(2) – possession of controlled substance
Incident #241025058”