Napa County Sheriff’s Office Arrests Man for Possession of Bomb-Making Materials

Napa County Sheriff’s Office Arrests Man for Possession of Bomb-Making Materials
Photo courtesy of Napa County Sheriff


“Today, January 10th, 2025, the Napa County Sheriff’s Office arrested 31-year-old Justin Fisher for possession of destructive device materials that are used to make bombs. Detectives believe Fisher possessed these items with the intention of making more destructive devices. This is Mr. Fisher’s second arrest in 5 years.

In June of 2019, Justin Fisher was arrested in American Canyon for having pipe bombs, explosives, pipes, caps, fuses, and drugs inside the car he was driving.

The Napa County Sheriff’s Office SWAT Team served a search warrant at a home located on the 300 block of Coombs Street. They were assisted by the Napa Police Department, Napa Special Investigative Bureau (NSIB), and Sonoma County Sheriff’s Bomb Squad (EOD).”

Originally Published By Napa County Sheriff 
Napa County Sheriff’s Office Arrests Man for Possession of Bomb-Making Materials was last modified: January 15th, 2025 by admin
Categories: Napa

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