Homicide arrest in Fentanyl Poisoning Death

Homicide arrest in Fentanyl Poisoning Death
Photo(s) courtesy of PCSO

A 20-year-old man is dead due to fentanyl poisoning. His alleged killer is in custody.

“On Thursday, January 23, 29-year-old  Christopher Williams was arrested for homicide in the fentanyl poisoning death of 20-year-old Spencer Newsom. Spencer was found dead in his Roseville apartment on September 21, 2020. His cause of death was determined to be fentanyl poisoning.

A comprehensive investigation was completed by Placer Opioid Response Team detectives culminating in Williams’ arrest. He was arrested at his residence in Citrus Heights by the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office in conjunction with the Placer Opioid Response Team and the Placer Sheriff Special Operations Unit. Williams was booked into the Sacramento County Jail for homicide.
Following the arrest, Placer County Sheriff Wayne Woo said, ” I am incredibly proud of our detectives’ commitment to bring the person responsible for Spencer’s death to justice. Let this serve as a clear message (that) we will not tolerate the sale of this deadly drug in our county.”

This case was considered “cold”, however our detectives didn’t give up, making this the first cold case fentanyl poisoning homicide arrest in the state. While seeking justice won’t bring back the life lost, our hope is to provide some closure for those who will never get to hug Spencer again.”

Originally posted by Placer County Sheriff’s Office.
Homicide arrest in Fentanyl Poisoning Death was last modified: January 31st, 2025 by admin
Categories: News, Placer

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