By Jim Emerson
RICHMOND, CA — A suspect with a lengthy arrest record faces new charges for retail thefts in the San
Francisco Bay area.
Michael Ivory Fletcher, 32, of Vallejo, is implicated in thefts that occurred at Target stores in San Ramon and Walnut Creek. These
crimes occurred between August 2024 and February 15 of this year.
He stands accused of stealing roughly $27,000 worth of Lego’s in Contra Costa County. He is also a suspect in other
jurisdictions for similar crimes.
Additionally, Fletcher reportedly stole merchandise from retailers in Alameda, Santa Clara, Solano, Sonoma,
and San Joaquin counties. Alameda County filed charges against Fletcher on March 4, and Contra
Costa County filed charges against him last month.
His multiple charges include second-degree burglary, grand theft, and receiving stolen property. In
addition, he is charged with fleeing an officer, while driving recklessly and driving against traffic.
Fletcher has prior convictions for possession of cocaine base for sale, and possession of a controlled
substance with a firearm. He has additional prior arrests on his record involving controlled substances
and firearms.
Fletcher is in custody at the West County Detention Facility in Richmond in lieu of $472,500 bond.