Two Rabbits Reportedly Abandoned Outside Hollister Animal Shelter, Police Investigating

HOLLISTER, CA — Investigators with the Hollister Police Department are seeking the identities of two individuals accused of abandoning a pair of rabbits outside a local animal shelter.
In a press release, the Hollister Police Department revealed that they had begun an investigation into the crime, which was discovered on the night of Sunday, Mar. 9.
That night, Hollister Animal Control officers discovered two rabbits left in a cage in front of the Hollister Animal Shelter. The rabbits had been left for approximately eleven hours without adequate shelter and no food or water, authorities said.
One of the rabbits reportedly had an eye injury and was taken to a local veterinarian for treatment.
Officers reviewed security footage which allegedly showed two individuals parking several feet from the shelter, placing the rabbits by the door, then running away.
Anyone with information regarding this investigation is encouraged to reach out to Animal Control Officer Harvey at 831-636-4320.