Man Arrested For Sexual Assault on 21 to 25 People

Man Arrested For Sexual Assault on 21 to 25 People


Date: 07/18/24
Time: 10:30 AM
From: Abel Iriarte, Chief of Police
Summary: Sexual Assault Arrest

On July 2, 2024, Dinuba Police Detectives arrested Tomas Jimenez, age 60, for sex
crimes against four female victims. District Attorney Tim Ward has announced the filing of criminal charges against Jimenez. He is charged with six felony counts and three misdemeanor counts related to sexual assault and battery.

It is alleged that the crimes were committed in his Dinuba home starting in 2021 while conducting massages. It is believed that Jimenez worked largely within the Spanish speaking community. Since the filing of charges by the District Attorney’s Office, multiple victims have come forward. The victim count is now between 21 to 25 victims, mostly women and one male. Jimenez remains in custody on no bail.

Anyone with more information is encouraged to confidentially contact the TCDA Bureau of Investigations tip line at 559-636-5467 or Dinuba Police Department tip line at 559-591-TIP1″

Originally Published By City of Dinuba
Man Arrested For Sexual Assault on 21 to 25 People was last modified: July 29th, 2024 by admin
Categories: Tulare

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