Incomplete 911 Call from Orangevale Area Leads to Significant Arrest

Incomplete 911 Call from Orangevale Area Leads to Significant Arrest
Photo: K9 Officer Niko | Courtesy of SCSO

SACRAMENTO COUNTY, CA —  “On Saturday evening, North Patrol Deputies responded to an incomplete 911 call, where a man and woman were heard arguing and fighting. Deputies discovered the male, later identified as 37-year-old Ryan Hanka, was already wanted for assault with a deadly weapon. He was also known to be violent with law enforcement from previous encounters.

Deputies arrived on scene and contacted Hanka, who had armed himself with a baseball bat and a blunt object. As Deputies attempted to take Hanka into custody, he punched and kicked K9 Niko, then struck K9 Niko with the bat. Hanka also tried to remove a Deputy’s firearm from his holster before ultimately being subdued by K9 Niko and Deputies on scene.

Hanka was medically cleared for incarceration and transported to the Sacramento County Main Jail for multiple felonies. He is ineligible for bail and is scheduled to appear in court on October 9.

Fortunately, neither K9 Niko nor our Deputies were seriously injured and are all back on duty.”


Originally published by Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office 
Incomplete 911 Call from Orangevale Area Leads to Significant Arrest was last modified: October 15th, 2024 by admin
Categories: Sacramento

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