Los Angeles
Explicit Online Relationships with Minors Leads to Arrest
FRENCH VALLEY – The arrest of an adult man for allegedly fostering a sexual relationship with multiple minors online is a reminder to parents of the potential dangers of unmonitored
Teen arrested for Murder after 4 month traffic investigation
On Wednesday afternoon, December 17 2014, a 42-year-old woman, Bertha Alicia Rosales, was turning out of the residential street Duranzo Drive, left onto Halliburton Road, the 4 lane divided main
Bogus claims and insurance pains: More fraudsters pulled into the light
Escalon local Peter Goncalves (41) has been arrested by Department of Insurance detectives on three felony counts of insurance fraud. He is alleged to have filed a fraudulent claim with
One Man Gets Ten Charges in Inglewood
INGLEWOOD, CA—Inglewood’s “downtown” commercial strip, Market Street, is only four very short blocks in length and a stone’s throw from city hall, but it is too often the area of
Teen Popped While Riding a Bike on The Sidewalk
HAWTHORNE, CA—If one is planning to burglarize and/or get high, the best advice to avoid detection may be to know whether it is legal to ride a bike on a
Security Employee Arrested for Battery on Police Officer, Bicycle on Sidewalk
HAWTHORNE, CA—Some people like to stay in “the middle of the road”, while others seem to like to ride on “the fringe.” Deshawn F. Blackman, 30, was arrested by Hawthorne
Friends With Warrants Shouldn’t Let Friends Drive Drunk
INGLEWOOD, CA—If one has outstanding bench warrants, and one’s friend is driving while under the influence, even the prestige of that friend being an architect may not prevent him from
Customer Service Employee Gets Charged With Forgery, Fencing and Warrants
INGLEWOOD, CA—When George Carlin talked about businessmen, he said “the first thing he does is to automatically assume that the other guy is a complete [liar] who’s trying to [trick]
Student Gets Lesson in Petty Charges Arrest
INGLEWOOD, CA—On slow news days, petty stories like students getting stopped and arrested for failure to use turn signals are the lead stories, and on slow quota days, what may otherwise