Santa Barbara

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Santa Barbara

No Bail for Identity Thief’s Warrant Arrest

Photo: Arvan Washington III Santa Barbara County – According to Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Department Public Information Officer Kelly Hoover, 54-year-old Lompoc resident Arvan Washington III was arrested by SBSD

Santa Barbara

Stalker Nailed by K9, goes to Hospital then to Jail

Photo: Carlos Medina Santa Barbara County – Anyone hoping to outrun the cops in the Santa Barbara area might want to brush up on their skills as a “dog whisperer.”

Santa Barbara

Warrant Arrest of Allegedly Violent Subject

Photo: Youvany Alvarez Santa Barbara – 31-year-old Youvany Alvarez, a Goleta resident who just might qualify for the Grumpiest Mugshot Award, was arrested this morning when Santa Barbara Police Department

Santa Barbara

Hotel Drug Lab Bust

Photo: Aaron Gorzeman Santa Barbara County – Apparently, 37-year-old Oxnard resident Aaron Gorzeman is well aware of the dangers of cooking illegal drugs at home. That may explain why on

Santa Barbara

May-December Drug Dealing Couple Busted

Photo: Ciara Owen and Nicholas Blaylock Santa Barbara County – The effects of methamphetamine on one’s judgment are apparently profound and unpredictable. There is little else other than a mutual

Santa Barbara

$1M Bail for Home Invasion Robbers

Photo: Ruben Jesse Gomez and Javier Castillo Vasquez Santa Barbara County – In the pre-dawn hours of January 12th, a 65-year-old Lompoc man answered his doorbell. The person on the

Santa Barbara

K9 Teams Track Down Domestic Violence Suspect

Photo: James Anderson Santa Barbara County – Once again proving the inestimable value of the four K9 units currently working with the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Department Patrol and Custody

Santa Barbara

$1M Bail for Attempted Murder of Cop

Photo: Drew Wohlenhaus Santa Barbara County – In a classic example of “how not to respond to contact with law enforcement officers,” 32-year-old Isla Vista area transient Drew Wohlenhaus managed

Santa Barbara

Gang-bangers Arrested After Car Chase

Photo: Christian Catalan and Gilberto Solis Isla Vista, Santa Barbara County   –   The action started immediately after midnight on January 11th when a University of California Santa Barbara cop, attached

Santa Barbara

Threats Lead to 10-Hour Standoff, Arrest

Photo: Maxwell Tracy Santa Barbara – When family issues devolve into potentially dangerous full-blown “domestic disturbance” situations, police response is generally straightforward, immediate, and inflexible. According to Santa Barbara Police