Santa Barbara
“Party of Five” Ends with Arrests
Santa Barbara County – The rubric that “you’re known by the friends you keep” was once again validated when five people—none of whom should really have been hanging around together—were swept
“Girl-on-Girl” Stabbing
Santa Barbara County – Stabbings among rival gang-bangers are fairly common. Stabbings involving young men caught up in street fights are also common. Stabbings during assaults and robberies can be fairly
Two Gang-bangers Busted, Two at Large
Santa Barbara County – The Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Department, having conducted a protracted investigation into the criminal activities of a number of the area’s known gang members, reports significant progress
Arrest Made in 2005 Molestation Case
Santa Barbara County – It took nine full years for allegations of a sexual molestation incident that reportedly took place at Santa Barbara County’s San Marcos Christian Camp in 2005 to
Felon Caught with Drugs & Ammo
Santa Barbara County – There are many enduring ramifications to a felony conviction—whether it comes via a jury deliberation or an artfully crafted agreement between defense counsel and a prosecution team—that
Family Molester Arrested
Santa Barbara – With the Norman Rockwell concept of a nuclear family at the heart of our culture just a distant memory, and with contemporary societal concerns for the welfare of
Busy Graffiti Artist Busted
Santa Barbara – Michelangelo (1475-1564) had his rent and grocery bills paid for by the Medicis when he was painting frescoes on the walls and ceilings of buildings, but appreciation for
Major Meth Merchant in Manacles
Santa Barbara – Methamphetamine prices in this central coast community, better known worldwide for its pristine beaches and abundant Mission architecture than for street sales of illicit drugs, recently became a
Undercover Cops Bust Drug & Gun Dealer
Santa Barbara – With the running battle between law enforcement and potentially deadly narcotics dealers throughout the city and county continuing unabated, the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Special Investigation Bureau has
$50K Bail for Arsonist-Burglar
Santa Barbara County – Just after midnight on May 26th, a Santa Maria area business was the scene of both private security and public law enforcement response to a 911 Emergency