Santa Barbara
Congressional Aide to Rep. Lois Capps Busted for Hit-and-Run
SANTA BARBARA – Congresswoman Lois Capps has egg on her face and is working hard to distance herself from one of her staff members who was arrested in the early morning
Little Girl Gets Rude Awakening From Drunk Driver
SANTA MARIA — A drunk driver trying to evade police crashed into a 5-year-old girl’s bedroom Wednesday shortly after 9 p.m. The girl received minor injuries.
Bail Inflation and More Charges for Gangbanging Sexual Batterers
Santa Barbara – As reported here just this week, Edgar Jesus Rojas, 18, and Jose Angel Moran, 19, were arrested while hiding and resisting officers in a densely-populated Eastside residential
Second Suspect in Chumash Stabbing Arrested
SANTA MARIA—Police found and arrested the second suspect wanted in connection with a stabbing and robbery on Nov. 6 at Chumash Casino in Santa Ynez. Investigators pinpointed Osvaldo Hernandez, 35,
Speeding Ticket Earns Drug Bust
Santa Barbara County – Robert Dommeyer was in a bit of a hurry in the middle of the afternoon on November 25th as he traveled through the Santa Ynez Valley
“Caregiver” Marries and Defrauds Victim
Santa Barbara – Rosemary Rebekah Baugh, 57, is apparently what is commonly referred to as “a real piece of work,” if allegations contained in the $650,000 felony arrest warrant that
A Condom, A Cellphone, and “His Little Friend”
Santa Barbara – Alice Keck Park, regarded as one of Santa Barbara’s most spectacular garden spots and located within three block of the Police Department and the landmark County Courthouse
68 Arrested in Gang Crackdown
Santa Barbara – Seven attempted murders, a gang murder, and “a string of stabbings and assaults” were noted by Santa Barbara Police Department Chief Cam Sanchez in public statements to
Felony Groping by Gangbangers
Santa Barbara – When flirting with a woman old enough to be your mother, it usually helps to: a) not physically touch her in any way, much less her “private
A Small World After All
SANTA MARIA — Two men who’d never met before were arrested in connection with an armed bank robbery Saturday morning at Wells Fargo, 407 E. Main St. Police say one