Tag "high capacity magazines"

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Visalia Police Arrest Three, Seize Ghost Gun and Drugs in Search Warrant Operation

VISALIA, CA  —  This morning at approximately 8:30 a.m., the Visalia Police Department’s Narcotics and Special Enforcement Unit (SEU), in coordination with the Tulare County Agencies Regional Gun Enforcement Team

News Ventura

Ghost Gun Bust

By F.  Scott Faulkner Ventura County, CA. A month-long investigation into the illegal manufacturing and possession of assault weapons has led to the arrest of a Camarillo man on multiple


Stanislaus County Sheriff’s Office Seizes Firearms and Arrests Individual Following Threat Assessment

Photo Above: Stock Image On December 16, 2024, detectives from the Stanislaus County Sheriff’s Office Threat Assessment Unit initiated an investigation following a tip from a concerned citizen regarding an


“Gas Guttah” Gang Member Arrested with Guns… Again

Photo(s) courtesy of SCSO SACRAMENTO, CA “Sacramento County Sheriff’s Gang Suppression Unit (GSU) Detectives investigated a member of the criminal street gang “Gas Guttah” and “rapper” Travis Smith, also known

Santa Cruz

Felon Back In Jail After Being Caught With Guns and Driving High

Photo: Stock Image “A Watsonville gang member and convicted felon made his way back to county jail after Officers found him with multiple guns, all while driving high. An Officer


Three Arrested for Alleged Narcotics, Illegal Weapons Sales in Shasta County

Photo: Seized items | Courtesy of SCSO Three individuals were arrested for alleged narcotics and illegal weapons sales following a law enforcement task force search in Shasta County. Detectives with


Weapons Seized in Coachella Residence; Two Individuals Arrested

“On May 15, 2024, at 5:00 p.m., the Coachella Community Action Team, with the assistance of the Southern Coachella Valley Community Services District Team, served a weapons-related search warrant at

San Diego

Law Enforcement Discloses Significant Incidents Over Busy Holiday Weekend

Above: Seized Firearm | Courtesy of CPD “It was a busy holiday weekend and we thought we’d share a few significant incidents. Officer Chan contacted three people in a parked


Disturbance Call Leads to Arrests and Discovery of Weapons Cache in Niland, CA

Originally Published by: Imperial County Sheriff’s Office, Facebook “On October 22, 2023, at approximately 4:28 PM, Imperial County Sheriff’s Office dispatchers received multiple calls of a disturbance on Tank Road

Santa Cruz

Watsonville Police Seize Firearms and Ammunition During Traffic Stop

Above: Evidence seized during arrest | Courtesy of Watsonville PD WATSONVILLE, CA – A routine traffic stop for a vehicle code violation took a surprising turn when Watsonville Police officers