Tag "looting"

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News Ventura

Lottery Looters Arrested for Commercial Burglary

By F. Scott Faulkner Ventura County, CA. Three men were arrested in connection with a commercial burglary at a Camarillo business after stolen goods were recovered during a traffic stop

San Francisco

San Francisco Police Arrest Looting Suspect with Firearm

Originally published as a San Francisco Police Department Facebook post –  “On the evening of November 19, 2021, San Francisco Police officers responded to the Union Square area for reports

San Francisco

San Francisco Police Arrest Looting Suspect with Firearm

Originally published as a San Francisco Police Department Facebook post –  “On the evening of November 19, 2021, San Francisco Police officers responded to the Union Square area for reports


Three convicted felons arrested for looting

Originally published as a Placer County Sheriff’s Office Facebook post –  “Three convicted felons from Sacramento County have been arrested after they went on a looting spree in Dutch Flat

Santa Barbara

Home Invader Arrested

Photo: home invasion January 8, 2022 – Santa Barbara, Ca. In a scene right out of the latest Hollywood terror-in-the-house movie, a Santa Barbara mother of three found herself naked

Contra Costa

Nordstrom Store Looted, 3 Suspects in Custody as Investigation Continues

  WALNUT CREEK— Three suspects were arrested in Contra Costa County during a night of looting organized on social media. They allegedly participated with a mob of 80 hooligans who

El Dorado

Two suspects arrested looting in fire zone

Photo: some of the loot Originally published as a South Lake Tahoe Police Department Facebook post –  “The South Lake Tahoe Police Department, the El Dorado County Sheriff’s Office, and


Intoxicated man attempts residential burglary

Originally published as a Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office press release –  “On 04-24-2021 at around 11:30 PM, a homeowner contacted the Mendocino County Sheriff’s Dispatch Center and reported a burglary

San Diego

Two arrested for arson and looting in “protests”

On May 30th a protest turned violent, resulting in looting and fires being set. The Chase bank building at 4791 Spring Street was set on fire and caused significant damage.


West Sacramento Woman Arrested 3 Times in 4 Days after being Released on $0 Bail

Photo: Melinda Gonzales Originally published as a Yolo County District Attorney press release –  (Woodland, CA) – November 2, 2020 –West Sacramento woman, Melinda Gonzales, has been charged with multiple