Tag "Narcotics Arrest"

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Santa Barbara

Thanksgiving Shooters Arrested

Photo: Stock Image On November 23, 2023, at approximately 8:38 a.m., Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s deputies responded to a 911 Emergency call reporting a drive-by shooting incident. According to SBSD


Suspect Arrested for Fentanyl Possession at Cove Shopping Center

Photo: Stock Image TIBURON — A man with multiple prior arrests has been arrested for possession of controlled substances and released from custody again. This time 29-year-old Artem N. Hanawalt


K9 Unit makes Large Methamphetamine Arrest

Photo: K9 Rae with Drug Evidence Collected | CHP Coastal Division PLAINSURG, CA – In the early hours of November 5, 2023, a Coastal Division K9 officer and his K9


Marina Police Apprehend Machete-Wielding Suspect

Photo: Image of arrest | Courtesy of Marina PD MARINA, CA – On Tuesday, November 7th, 2023, at approximately 2:47 PM, Marina Police officers swiftly responded to a distressing report

El Dorado

Homeless Camps Cleared Narcotics arrests Made

Above: Stock Imgae Story Originally Published By: El Dorado County Sheriff’s Office “The Sheriff’s Office has been conducting extra patrols of the meadows and trails around Trout Creek and the

Contra Costa

Repeat Offender in Custody Suspected of Vehicle Theft and Other Crimes

Photo: Image of stolen vehicle | Concord PD CONCORD— Clenton J. Fugate is a 43-year-old recidivist suspected of committing more crimes. Fugate splits his time between Concord and San Leandro,


Couple Arrested in Drug Sting Operation at Target Store Parking Lot

Photo: Stock Image SAN RAFAEL— A couple suspected of drug dealing was arrested during a sting operation, and 6 ounces of methamphetamine was confiscated from them. The estimated street value


Gardener Arrested for Playing with Explosives and Possession of Illicit Drugs

Photo: Stock Image NOVATO — A 53-year-old gardener is being held in custody in lieu of $250,000 bond. He was locked up for playing with explosives and possession of illicit

San Bernardino

Traffic Stop Leads to Narcotics and Firearms Bust

Above: Firearms seized during arrest | Courtesy of Colton PD Originally Published via Colton PD Official Facebook Page “On 10/21/23 at approximately 0400 a.m. Officers conducted a traffic enforcement stop


Drug and Ghost Gun Arrest in Monterey

Photo: Drug and weapons evidence seized during arrest |  Courtesy of Monterey PD Story Originally Published By: Monterey PD “On Tuesday, October 17, 2023, at approximately 3:00 p.m., Monterey Police