Tag "resisting"
Man ransacks vehicle, punches owner in face
Photo: Brad Johnson Originally published as a Salinas Police Department Facebook post – “On 1-9-2021 at 5:30 am, the victim was inside his residence in the area of the 200
Long Car Chase Ends With K9 Officer Taking Down Suspect
Photo: Cesar Macedo The night of December 31, 2020, a Corning police officer was in the area of McKinley and Toomes Avenue when a 1999 Honda Civic displaying expired tags
Man Ends 2020 Chased by Deputies
Photo: Alexis Salazar and his damage It was 2:45AM on December 31, 2020 when a Fresno County Deputy attempted a traffic stop near First and Shields. Instead of stopping, the
Stolen Vehicle Pursuit Ends with Arrests for Hughson Home Invasion
Originally published as a Stanislaus County Sheriff’s Department Nixle post – “Deputies with the Sheriff’s Community Resource Unit (CRU) were involved in a pursuit of a stolen vehicle that started
Shoplifter on probation arrested after struggle with officer
Photo: Jamie Harper Originally published as a City of Chico press release – “On 12/27/2020 at 2102 hrs, a Wal-Mart employee notified the Chico PD Dispatch Center to report that
Construction site burglary ends in arrest later in the day
Originally published as a Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office press release – “On 12-21-2020 at approximately 6:54 A.M. Deputies from the Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office were dispatched to a report of
Man with two warrants also has variety of drugs
Photo: Rick Burgess and his drugs Originally published as a Lincoln Police Department Facebook post – “At about 10:50 PM on December 20th, Lincoln Police Officers were in the Turtle
Drug, Weapons, ID Theft Arrests
Photo: confiscated cache December 16, 2020 – Ventura County, Ca. Nobody living in the 2200 block of Oxnard’s North H Street pulled the covers up and grabbed another 15 minutes
Fleeing Felon Apprehended for DUI, Again
Photo: Christopher Keehl Originally published as a City of Chico press release – “On 12/9/20, at about 1220 hours, a Chico Police Motor Officer was monitoring traffic on Forest Ave.