Tag "Riot"

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Los Angeles

37 Arrests for Civil Disobedience-Related Crimes – Sheriff Denounces Rioters, Anarchists in the Streets

  WESTMONT – A news conference held by Sheriff Alex Villanueva on 09/10/2020 was presented to illuminate the violence, vandalism, and destruction over the past few days by self-proclaimed anarchists

Santa Barbara

Isla Vista “Deltopia” Riot Yields More Arrests

In the classic rock lyrics of Styx’s “Renegade”, “the jig is up, the noose is out” and the embarrassment and political fallout landing at the feet of the Santa Barbara


Surf City Riot Follows US Open of Surfing

HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA – By 6:00 Monday morning, the iconic intersection of Huntington Beach’s Main Street and Pacific Coast Highway was quiet beneath some coastal fog, showing few signs of Sunday night’s riots which resulted

Santa Barbara

Riot Averted as Cops Threaten Arrest, Pull Plug on DJ

Santa Barbara- Santa Barbara’s Earl Warren Showgrounds, a state-owned popular local venue for a wide range of events ranging from rodeos and equestrian spectacles to antique sales and home &

Santa Clara

Seven arrested in felony assault of a police officer

The San Jose Police department has officially filed felony assault charges with the Santa Clara County’s Attorneys office charging seven individuals with the November 23, 2012 felony assault in which